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Ah the joy of the latest and greatest video game consoles. Does anyone still remember the old Magnavox Odyssey? I think it was around 1972, and what a technological wonder it was. I can remember many a late night playing a rousing game of Pong and dreaming about what games might be like in the faraway future. I never really imagined it would be like this.
I’ve had the Playstation, the Wii, and now the X-box 360, but it seems the time has come yet again, where they must take their rightful place on a guest room television or in my home office in order to make way for the Wii U, the 8th generation in Video game consoles, and just in time for your Holiday wait, I mean wish list.
The Wii U has a primary console and supports the use of 2 special Gamepad controllers, whats unique about these touchscreen, handheld controllers is that they will also function independently of the console, and allow for such things as WIFI web browsing, picture taking and TV control . So Jr. can get a new game console this holiday season AND stop whining about the iPad you didn’t get him last year.
This is Nintendo’s first 1080p HD graphics console and if rumors are true, it’s also the industries first controller with an embedded touchscreen that features an accelerometer and a gyroscope. The handheld is also capable of continuing gameplay after the TV has been powered off, and the entire system sounds like it will be backward compatible with the regular “old fahioned” Wii.
Well, all the big announcements are actually coming in later today, so feel free to head on over to to check out the presentation, or to watch the software showcase. I’m sure I won’t be able to help myself, but I’m telling you right now, I’m not paying a penny over list, no matter how cool it is. Are you guys with me?
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