miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Ya disponible la version 1.5 de RootBOX

Root BOX ICS 4.0.4 v.1.5 para el Galaxy S II

Cambios  versión 4 julio 2012

v1.5 (20120704) - FULL WIPE o desinstala  xxTweaker/ExTweaks antes de flashear la ROM

  • Minor Fixes
  • Updated Fluxi ICS Kernel XX.02-beta10
  • Updated Dorimanx ICS Kernel 4.0B
  • Updated Dark Theme GAPPS (Thanks to Team ICEmods)
  • Added xxTweaker to Settings (Only shows if you have xxTweaker installed in /system/app)
  • Added ExTweaks to Settings (Only shows if you have ExTweaks installed in /system/app)
  • Added CM Browser -
  • Added CM Mms - Option to change the soft keyboard type when composing in default Mms (Smiley, Enter to a new line or Enter to send)
  • Added Jelly Bean (Android 4.1) Animations - Aroma Option (thanks to hikarugo)
  • AOKP/CM Upstream as Always

Descarga la ROM > RootBOX_ICS_V1.5.zip

El desarrollador nos ofrece estas opciones de instalación

Si vienes de otra Custom ROM:

  1. Wipe Data/Factory Reset
  2. Format/System
  3. Flashea la ROM
  4. Sigue las instrucciones de Aroma
  5. Wipe Cache
  6. Wipe Dalvik Cache
  7. Reboot

Si vienes de una ROM de fabrica:
  1. Equipo Root  - Tener CWM Recovery
  2. Wipe Data/Factory Reset
  3. Format /System
  4. Flashea la ROM
  5. Sigue las instrucciones de Aroma
  6. Wipe Cache
  7. Wipe Dalvik Cache
  8. Reboot

Especificaciones de la ROM
  • AOKP Based ICS 4.0.4 IMM76I (Built from Source - Github)
  • Fluxi ICS Kernel, Siyah ICS Kernel, CM ICS Kernel, Dorimanx ICS Kernel
  • Unread Notification Count for Missed Calls and Messaging (LG Home Launcher)
  • Multi Waves Lockscreen (Multi Waves Style + 2-8 Target Apps)
  • Tweaked build.prop
  • Modified host file
  • Nova Launcher
  • Apex Launcher
  • LG UI Launcher (240DPI +SGS3 Theme)
  • TouchWiz UX Launcher (180DPI and 240DPI)
  • ES File Explorer
  • Solid Explorer
  • Google Play Music
  • Sony Walkman Music Player
  • Apollo Music Player
  • Sense 4 Task Manager
  • Beats Audio
  • DSP Manager
  • Lockscreen Vibration Option
  • Default or Dark Theme Google Apps

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Ya disponible la version 1.5 de RootBOX Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: miguel


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