[7 agosto 2012]
[JB:CM10:HYBRD] PARANOIDANDROID [1.97a, True HybridMode, Size & UI on Per App Basis]
- New option: "large" to trick an app thinking the device has a real big screen. some need it, like amazon kindle to jump into tabUI. some even react on it, gdrive will slightly adapt its layout - makes only sense if you give it a small dpi though.
- The algorithm to extract the actual layout containers from apk files works more precise and can reveal more than before. there will still be a few apps left who do that layout stuff in java - we will add an override button for that, but in the meantime you can edit /system/etc/paranoid/properties.conf .layout=360 for phone-like UI, 600 for phablet, 720 = tablet, 1280 = super huge tablet
- Several bugfixes from us and cm.
Mas informacion: http://www.paranoid-rom.com/
[27 julio 2012]
Como se instala
- v1.9.2
- Merged CM's theme engine
- Fixed a few unclean sources
- HDPI adjustments
- CWM: Wipe Cache / Factory Reset IF you're on any ROM other than AOSP JB (May work without fullwipe from older PA versions if your /data folder is not full of things)
- CWM: Install Zip: Rom: Download
- CWM: Install Zip: Gapps: Download
- CWM: Wipe Cache Partition
- CWM: Advanced/Wipe Dalvik Cache
- Reboot
Si quieres convertir tu Galaxy S2 i9100 en una tableta tienes que probar esta ROM. La ParanoidAndroid ICS ROM es la primera y única ROM que tiene la interfaz de teléfono, híbrido y tableta.
Instrucciones para la instalación (según el desarrollador) Mas informacion visita: xda | video: Mx Droide
- Pasalos los dos archivos a tu tarjeta SD > Rom: ParanoidAndroid v1.6 | Gapps
- CWM: Wipe Cache / Factory Reset IF you're coming from any non CM based ROM
- CWM: Instalar el Zip: Rom
- CWM: Instalar el Zip: Gapps
- CWM: Wipe Cache Partition
- CWM: Advanced/Wipe Dalvik Cache
- Reboot
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