Instagram is without doubt one of the most useful websites can be found in this era. It brings a lot of fun and up-to-date information to every Instragram user. However, it can be more fascinating with the top 10 craziest Instagram apps to do almost everything to your Instragram account. These Instagram mobile apps are able to turbocharge your Instagram account with unique features such as adding effects to your photos, scheduling posts, monetize your Instgram account by selling products and more. They work on both iOS and Android smartphones and will definitely add a lot of fun to your Instagram network.
1. Hyperlapse App
Hyperlapse is a great app for those who want to add effect to the video they took. It is an official app for iOS users to create cool time lapse videos. This app is also built-in with in-house stablisation so that you no longer need to carry the heavy yet bulky tripods. It is useful when you need to shoot a video while driving a car or riding a motorcycle.
2. Latergramme App
Latergramme is one of the greatest apps for Instragrammers who want to schedule a post. This app basically plans for the best time to release your Instragram post. You can posts from the web or your smartphone. Alternatively, you can also search for an Instagram posts and then regram a post. Latergramme works on iOS, Android, Windows PC and Mac OS. It is also highly recommended by iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users.
3. Iconosquare
Iconosquare is an app help you to manager your followers better by giving you the detail analytics you need – total number of likes, most liked photos ever, most liked posts ever, average number of likes, average comments per photo, follower growth charts and more practical analytics.
See also: AppDog
4. Worldcam
Photos in Instagram are unlimited and almost a photo is uploaded to Instagram every second. Hence, it is a must to install Worldcam to discover only the content you want to read or see. Worldcam is an app that allows you to search Instagram photos from around the world according to location. You can search photos from Stonehenge, Bangkok, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, New York, Grand Canyon or wherever you want with Worldcam. This is definitely a useful + practical app for all iOS and Android users.
5. Print Studio App
Print Studio app turns your Instagram photos into beautiful prints. It is a free app and you can download from App Store or Google Play for free. It costs only $12 for first 24 prints and $10 for each additional 24 prints. You can crop, edit, print and then have these photos mail to everywhere in the world. It will be a good gift to your friends or family rather than the normal postcards. For a free Photo Editing app, see Meitu XiuXiu.
6. Soldsie
Many Instaram users are wondering how to monetize their Instagram account especially those who have a lot of followers. Soldsie app is all you need. This app has the easiest way to sell products to your Instagram followers. All you need is a "Sold" in the comment box to start selling.
See also: Appboy
7. Inselly
Inselly is another app you can try to monetize your Instagram account. Inselly is considered as one of the best marketplace app for Instagram as it takes 0% commission. You can sell your stuff to people around the world with Inselly. Just tag your product photos with #inselly and you can start your online business right away. Payment will be paid via PayPal.
IFTTT is the answer for you if you are wondering how to save photos from Instagram. IFTTT provides you the easiest way to save or copy any Instagram photos into your local hard drive, local computer, Google Drive or other types of storage. Any photos can be saved within a second with just a click. Try Instaport, InstaSave for Android or InstaSave for iOS as other alternatives to IFTTT.
See also: Hipstamatic App Alternatives
9. InstaMessage
Feeling lonely on Instagram? Try InstaMessage. This app searches for people nearby who uses InstaMessage. You can then send him or her a message and make friends. It also allows you to send a message to anyone you like on Instagram through a private message. In other words, you can talk to Taylor Swift, Barack Obama, Kim Kardashian, Joy Cho, Beyonce, Yao Chen, Shakira and more.
10. nolikesyet
Just like the name of the app nolikesyet, this app shows you photos or images that has no likes yet. It is a useful tool to search for photos that have just been uploaded to Instagram or photos that no one really likes to see. Be the first one to like the photo or you can save it to your local computer with IFTTT. Other than nolikesyet, you can also try Unfollowgram, a great app to know who unfollowed you on Instagram.
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