lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Xposed Installer 3.0 alpha 4 V72 - apk android

Requirements: Android 5.0.x, ROOT

Overview: Xposed for Lollipop is finally here!

Note that this is still an alpha version and for Lollipop on ARMv7+ devices only.
Please install it only if you're willing to take the risk of boot loops. Just because it's working fine and stable for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone the same way. 

xposed-arm-*.zip: Must be flashed with a custom recovery to install the framework.
XposedInstaller_3.0-alpha*.apk: Must be installed to manage installed modules
No, it's not using material design yet. Yes, there are more important topics for now.
XposedBridgeApi-20150213.jar: The API for module developers, in case they want to make use of some new features. Might be changed slightly until the stable release!

Known issues:
- It seems to boot loop on Samsung stock ROMs! Update: Samsung has changed quite a few things in their version of ART. It will take more time to adjust Xposed for it.

Xposed 3.0 alpha 4
It fixes bootloops and crashes on some ROMs, especially on Sony devices. In the logs, there used to be "Too many open files" errors.

You only need to flash the ZIP again, the Xposed Installer app remains the same (and therefore still shows version alpha2). If XposedBridge.jar has version 64 after a reboot, the new version is active.

As the question probably comes up:
- No, this version doesn't support Android 5.1 yet.
- No, this ZIP doesn't support arm64/x86 processors yet.

What's New
I finally created an official version for Android 5.1 (aka SDK22). You can download it as v72 from the first post.

This version is not directly based on @romracer's port, however there aren't many differences. He had merged AOSP 5.1 into the Xposed codebase, I did it the other way around and used this opportunity to reorder and combine the commits. So it's a little bit cleaned up now, which will hopefully make it easier to port these changes to future Android versions. I have also cherry-picked two of his changes that weren't in the offical version yet: A fix for a special case in resource handling on 64-bit and compression of the backup Xposed creates during its installation. Many thanks to @romracer for providing the unofficial version - this gave me the chance to fix and improve many things (which were in turn merged by him and others).

That said, there are also a few new changes:
- In error messages, the Android version is now display as well, e.g. "Wrong Android version: 5.1 / SDK22 ... This file is for: 5.0 / SDK21"
- The files for Android 5.1 can now handle gzip-compressed odex files (*.odex.gz). Those files only exist on certain ROMs (e.g. CM) that merged a few commits proposed by Intel. These commits weren't accepted into AOSP because the way they're handling the compressed files has some flaws. With Xposed installed, these files will be unpacked on-the-fly and recompiled.

The gzip support might also be interesting for ROMs where the /system partition is almost full. It should be possible to gzip some of the .odex files before installing Xposed in order to free up some space. This should work on any odexed 5.1 ROM, even if the Intel commits aren't included. However, this would be very experimental. Volunteers are welcome, but don't forget to create a backup.

Finally, I have updated the uninstaller zips. They include a timestamp now, as new installer zips might require new uninstaller versions. You should always be able to uninstall older versions with the latest uninstaller though. v72 requires at least the uninstaller from today (20150831).

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Android 5.0+:

Xposed Unistallers:

Xposed Installer 3.0 alpha 4 V72 - apk android Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: miguel


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